25% of landfill waste comes from residential building and construction
Premium, high-end products and appliances last 3-5x their mass market counterparts and are purposefully designed for repair vs. replacement.
Our process allows them to be made available to commercial partners that find the highest and best use for those materials in secondary applications, thus extending the life of the initial product and reducing carbon use. These products would otherwise ultimately end up in landfills, and the overproduction of inferior products would continue, alongside their environmentally taxing transportation supply chain.
Through its nearly 20-year history, Sustainability Angels has reduced hundreds of millions of tons of landfill waste and extended the life of thousands of products each year.
We partnered recently with Aurora Circularity which provides assessment, logistics and remarketing of Sustainability Angels’ physical donations across the United States for purposeful reuse.
For any potential donations under consideration, please submit project details through our qualification form. A member of our team will get back to you regarding qualifications and whether we require additional information.